First Scandinavian Baltic Pancreas Symposium
September 20-21, 2019
Comwell Kolding, Kolding, Denmark
Dear colleagues,
Center for Pancreatic Diseases (Aalborg University Hospital) and Odense Pancreas Center (OPAC, Odense University Hospital) are happy to announce the First Scandinavian Baltic Pancreas Symposium. The symposium will cover several aspects of benign and malignant pancreatic diseases, but with special focus on genetics in Chronic Pancreatitis, Hypoglycemia and Pancreatic Cancer.
The symposium includes State-of-the-Art Lectures, Meet the Experts and Breakout Sessions as well as Poster Exhibition and Awards (Program)
We hope that you will join the symposium, and that you may consider submitting an abstract for the Poster Exhibition. An expert committee will evaluate all posters, and the three best posters will be presented orally and awarded on Friday evening.
More information and registration are available on
Looking forward to seeing you at the symposium,
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