Nordic Breast Cancer Network
Please accept this invitation to the first meeting in Nordic Breast Cancer Network in Copenhagen from Dec. 2. nd – Dec 3rd.
The meeting will relaunch the Nordic collaboration between the Nordic National Breast Cancer Groups and it will aim to discuss current hot topics within breast cancer, enable networking possibilities for young physicians.
Oncologists, breast surgeons, pathologists, geneticists, breast radiologists and translational researchers from Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden involved in breast cancer. Not nurses due to finnish compliance regulations.
Steering committee
Finland: FBCG: Minna Tanner and Malin Sund
Norway: NBCG: Björn Naume and Ellen Schlichting
Denmark: DBCG: Tove Holst Filtenborg Tvedskov and Birgitte Offersen
Sweden: SweBCG: Irma Fredriksson and Niklas Loman
Iceland: IceBCG: Olöf Bjarnadottir and Svanheidur Lóa Rahfnsdottír
Preliminary program
2nd December >
- 12.30 Welcome and introduction (Nordic Steering group)
- 12.45 “Sponsor talk 1”
- 12.55 Imaging in breast cancer (to be announced – DK)
- 13.45 “Sponsor talk 2”
- 13.55 Clinical care and testing for hereditary breast cancer in the Nordic countries (Vigdis Stefansdottir – IS)
- 14.35 Coffee break
- 15.05 “Sponsor talk 3”
- 15.15 Clinical controversies in breast cancer surgery (Irma Fredriksson – SE)
- 16.00 “Sponsor talk 4”
- 16.10 Breast cancer pathology (Hege Russnes – NO)
- 16.50 Interval
- 17.15 “Sponsor talk 5”
- 17.25 Radiotherapy in the Nordic countries (Birgitte Offersen – DK)
- 19.00 Dinner
3rd December >
- 07.30 Breakfast
- 08.30 Præsentationer og diskussioner af “unge” forskere (TBD)
- 09.30 “Sponsor talk 6”
- 09.40 Introduktion af nye lægemidler i de nordiske lande (Minna Tanner – FI)
- 10.20 Kaffepause
- 10.50 Strategier i samarbejdende kliniske forsøg i de nordiske lande (Niklas Loman – SE)
- 11.30 Forventninger til et fremtidigt nordisk web-forum for brystkræft (panel)
- 12.00 Frokost
- 13.00 Møde med den nordiske styringsgruppe (kun ved invitation)