Symposium: Chronic rheumatic diseases require persistent treatment options
During SCR 2023 Congress in Copenhagen, Lilly hosts rheumatologists and rheumatology nurses for a symposium Thursday, 24th August 12:00-13:00. The focus of the symposium will be PsA & axSpA and the presentations will be a mixture of scientific data and clinical cases.
The symposium is part of the official program of the 39th Scandinavian Congress of Rheumatology 23-26nd August and does not require separate registration.
PsA – long term effect data & RWE
Lars Erik Vølund Kristensen, MD, PhD, DMSc, Professor and CSO at the Parker Institute, University of Copenhagen, Associate Professor at Lund University Sweden, Specialist in internal medicine, Rheumatology
AxSpA: effect on multiple domains – also in the long-term
Mikkel Østergaard, PhD, DMSc, Professor of rheumatology at University of Copenhagen, Consultant in rheumatology and chairperson of Copenhagen Center for Arthritis Research (COPECARE), Center for Rheumatology and Spine Diseases, Rigshospitalet, Glostrup, Denmark.