Together the Nordic Countries Can Secure Advancements in Breast Cancer Treatment and Diagnostics
By creating closer ties between breast cancer researchers across the region, the Nordic countries are equipped to bring breast cancer research to an even higher level, thereby improving treatment for patients throughout the region.
To maintain a competitive edge in clinical research, a stronger, more coordinated effort across the five Nordic nations is critical. By aligning resources and expertise, the Nordic countries can secure the necessary funding for larger-scale clinical trials, expand their professional networks, and improve knowledge sharing on the latest advancements in breast cancer treatment and diagnostics.
That’s why the national breast cancer groups in the Nordic countries; FBCG (Finland), NBCG (Norway), SweBCG (Sweden), IceBCG (Iceland), and DBCG (Denmark), have invited you to participate in building the formation of a unified Nordic Breast Cancer Network.
Increasing Multinational Clinical Trials
One of the primary goals of this collaboration is to increase the number of clinical trials involving patients from at least three Nordic countries. By facilitating connections between researchers and trial sites, aligning national guidelines, and fostering international networking.
In partnership with BestPractice Nordic, the Nordic Breast Cancer Network also seeks to create a centralized platform where trial proposals, ongoing research updates, and meetings will be shared. The collaboration platform will streamline the initiation of new trials and ensure broad regional participation. For the Nordic breast cancer community, this means access to new and professionally developing opportunities for knowledge sharing, planning and carrying out research, putting new data into perspective, and including younger oncologists as well as access to larger patient pools.
First Major milestone
The first major milestone for a Nordic collaborative effort will be the Nordic meeting scheduled for December 2nd – 3rd 2024 in Copenhagen. This meeting will focus on defining the optimal elements for effective collaboration and outlining the formal launch of the platform in 2025.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Copenhagen!
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