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Materiale fra DBCG Seminar 2023


Præsentationer fra Dag 1 – Mandag d. 13. November

  1. Velkomst
  2. Hvordan virker behandlingen – baseret på relevant opsamling af data?
  3. Hvordan Kan Vi Hjælpe Patienter Med At Få Fri Fra Riget I Deres Opfølgningsforløb?
  4. Hvad forventer en brystkræftpatient sig af sin opfølgning?
  5. Hvem er den sårbare patient med brystkræft – og hvordan sikrer vi det bedst mulige forløb for disse patienter?
  6. Hvad kan afhjælpe  biopsykosociale konsekvenser af kræft og kræftbehandling?
  7. Kræftrehabilitering I Kommunerne
  8. Opfølgning af patienter der er opereret for brystkræft – Jobcenter
  9. Opfølgning – Genetik
  10. Opfølgning i det nære sundhedsvæsen – almen praksis
  11. Sekundære sygdomme til behandling for brystkræft
  12. Opfølgning systemetisk behandling
  13. Opfølgning – Lokoregionalt recidiv og andre problemstillinger

Gruppe præsentationer fra Dag 2 – Tirsdag d. 13. November

Planlæg 2024 sammen med os – book et møde

Gruppe 1: Datafangst

  1. Annual Hazard Rates of Recurrence for Breast Cancer During 24 Years of Follow-Up: Results From the International Breast Cancer Study Group Trials I to V
  2. Breast cancer mortality in 500 000 women with early invasive breast cancer diagnosed in England, 1993-2015: population based observational cohort study
  3. Patterns in detection of recurrence among patients treated for breast cancer
  4. DBCG-IMN: A Population-Based Cohort Study on the Effect of Internal Mammary Node Irradiation in Early Node-Positive Breast Cancer
  5. The Incidence of Breast Cancer Recurrence 10-32 Years After Primary Diagnosis
  6. Identifying Recurrent Breast Cancer Patients In National Health Registries Using Machine Learning
  7. Artzi Et Al. 2023 Real World Survival Of Danish Patients With HER2 P

Gruppe 2: Lokoregional opfølgning

  1. Breast cancer survivors’ risk of interval cancers and false positive results in organized mammography screening
  2. Development in self-reported arm-lymphedema in Danish women treated for early-stage breast cancer in 2005 and 2006 e A nationwide follow-up study
  3. Imaging Surveillance After Primary Breast Cancer Treatment
  4. Persistent pain, sensory disturbances and functional impairment after immediate or delayed axillary lymph node dissection
  5. Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Persistent Pain Following Breast Cancer Surgery
  6. Self Reported Arm Lymphedema And Functional Impairment After Breast Cancer
  7. Surgical Treatment Of Lymphedema A Systematic Review And Meta Analysis Of Controlled Trials. Results Of A Consensus Conference
  8. Assessing Mode Of Recurrence In Breast Cancer To Identify

Gruppe 3: Opfølgning i kommunen

  1. Sundhedsloven §140
  2. Sundhedsloven §119
  3. Lov Om Sygedagpenge §27
  4. Lov Om Sygedagpenge §13B
  5. Postoperativ genoptræning og forebyggelse af senfølger i overkroppen
  6. Brystkræft – fysisk træning under kemoterapi for brystkræft
  7. Brystkræft – Opfølgning og kontrol
  8. Jobcentret er der for alle – også ved alvorlig sygdom
  9. Forløbsprogram For Rehabilitering Og Palliation I Forbindelse Med Kræft

Gruppe 4: Opfølgning hos egen læge

  1. Health Care Use And Remaining Needs For Support Among Women With Breast Cancer The Role Of The GP
  2. The Role Of General Practice In Cancer Care
  3. Risk Factors Of Unmet Needs Among Women With Breast Cancer In The Post Treatment Phase
  4. Improving Communication Between The General Practitioner And The Oncologist
  5. Unmet Supportive Care Needs Of Breast Cancer Survivors A Systematic Scoping Review

Gruppe 5: Identificering og opfølgning af sekundære sygdomme

  1. Risks of second non-breast primaries following breast cancer in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  2. Risk Of Second Primary Cancer Among Women In The Kaiser Permanente Breast Cancer Survivors Cohort
  3. Risk Of Second Primary Cancer Among Breast Cancer Patients A Systematic Review And Meta Analysis
  4. Risk Of Second Non Breast Cancer Among Patients Treated With And Without Postoperative Radiotherapy For Primary Breast Cancer
  5. Management Of Cancer Treatment Induced Bone Loss (CTIBL) In Patients With Breast Cancer Or Prostate Cancer
  6. A Review Of Research On The Intersection Between Breast Cancer And Cardiovascular Research In The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)
  7. Once-Yearly Zoledronic Acid for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
  8. Practical Guidance for the management of aromatase inhibitor-associated bone loss
  9. Influence of the anti-oestrogens tamoxifen and letrozole on thyroid function in women with early and advanced breast cancer: a systematic review
  10. aromatase inhibitors, efficacy and metabolic risk in the treatment of postmenopausal woman with early breast cancer
  11. The Effect of 6 Versus 9 Years of Zoledronic Acid Treatment in Osteoporosis: A Randomized Second Extension to the HORIZON-Pivotal Fracture Trial
  12. Effect of chemotherapy and aromatase inhibitors in the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer on glucose and insulin metabolism— A systematic review

Gruppe 6: Identificering og opfølgning af gener efter endokrin behandling

  1. Advances in the Management of Menopausal Symptoms, Fertility Preservation, and Bone Health for Women With Breast Cancer on Endocrine Therapy
  2. American Cancer Society/American Society of Clinical Oncology Breast Cancer Survivorship Care Guideline
  3. Effects Of Endocrine Therapy On Cognitive Function: A Comprehensive Review
  4. Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Physical Exercise in Alleviating Treatment-Induced Menopausal Symptoms in Patients With Breast Cancer: Results of a Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Trial
  5. Long Term Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy And Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease Systematic Review
  6. Norge Rehabilitering Rapport
  7. Osteoporotic Fractures After Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy A Meta Analysis
  8. Senfølge Abstracts
  9. Sexual Dysfunction A Crossectional Study ACTA
  10. Toxicity Of Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy In Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients A Systematic Review And Meta Analysis

Gruppe 7: Identificering og opfølgning af gener efter kemoterapi

  1. Prevention and Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Polyneuropathy
  2. Early breast cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-up (Det er det kun follow-up-afsnit, du bedes kigge på)
  3. Long-Term Fatigue and Cognitive Disorders in Breast Cancer Survivors
  4. Meta-Analysis of Cognitive Functioning in Breast Cancer Survivors Previously Treated With Standard-Dose Chemotherapy
  5. Prevention and Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Survivors of Adult Cancers: ASCO Guideline Update
  6. Patient outcomes, patient experiences and process indicators associated with the routine use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in cancer care: a systematic review
  7. Lessons Learned and Practice Pearls: Optimal Integration of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes in the Medical Oncology Clinic

Gruppe 8: Opfølgningskadence/Compliance/sårbare grupper

  1. Adjuvant endocrine therapy uptake, toxicity, quality of life, and prediction of early discontinuation
  2. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Interventions to Promote Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Adherence Among Breast Cancer Survivors
  3. Socioeconomic position and prognosis in premenopausal breast cancer: a population-based cohort study in Denmark
  4. Investigation of Factors Affecting Adherence to Adjuvant Hormone Therapy in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients: A Comprehensive Systematic Review

Yderligere litteratur

  1. Comparing hospital and telephone follow-up after treatment for breast cancer: randomised equivalence trial
  2. A Novel Biosignature Identifies Patients With DCIS With High Risk of Local Recurrence After Breast Conserving Surgery and Radiation Therapy
  3. Social inequality in cancer survivorship: Educational differences in health-related quality of life among 27,857 cancer survivors in Denmark
  4. Follow-up after treatment for breast cancer: One strategy fits all? An investigation of patient preferences using a discrete choice experiment
  5. Patients’ preferences for post-treatment breast cancer follow-up in primary care vs. secondary care: a qualitative study
  6. Patients’ Views of Follow-Up Care After Treatment for Breast Cancer: A Comparison of 2 Approaches
  7. Engagement in an Interactive App for Symptom Self-Management during Treatment in Patients With Breast or Prostate Cancer: Mixed Methods Study
  8. Patientpræferencerlitteratur Oversigt
  9. Follow-up Reality for Breast Cancer Patients – Standardised Survey of Patients and Physicians and Analysis of Treatment Data
  10. Intensive follow-up for women with breast cancer: review of clinical, economic and patient’s preference domains through evidence to decision framework

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